Carbon Reduction Plan

Carbon Reduction Plan

At the initial consultation, the company expressed a wish to publicise the report on their website with a short statement explaining the position regarding carbon emissions. I have therefore drafted some content below which may assist:

“At Fairtrade Vending we take our environmental responsibilities seriously. We have worked with NextLevel Services to calculate our carbon footprint for Scope 1 and 2 emissions. For the baseline year 01.01.22 to 31.12.22 our carbon emissions were 31.13 tCO2e. More details can be seen in this report.

We want to be a carbon net zero organisation and the start of this journey was to calculate our Scope 1 & 2 emissions. Now this has been done, we will look to offset our Scope 1 & 2 emissions which can be reasonably reduced by using internationally verified schemes such as VCS or Gold Standard. We will sign up for the Government’s SME Climate Commitment to demonstrate our work and ambition in this area. We will look to calculate and review our Scope 3 emissions in the future.”

Read the plan